Saturday, July 19, 2014

Blood Shackles

The right to live life on your terms is something that you should be born with. It is okay if I have to be fed, to be held, to be taught till I grow up or when I grow old - but- I still have the right to live my years of independence with my choices.
It becomes even more difficult when the people who 'own' you can not just let go. There is a reason why all these family soaps have run for ages. It is the battle for control, the tactics and the strategies to cripple your target into submission that are formulated, executed and revered.
'Family' - the concept - has its origins to ancient civilization and is still a consequential part of society all over the world. Family, if you go very basic, is group of individuals staying together to help each other survive. Add love, compassion to it and things like rights and duties emerge. Emotions are an integral part of the human psychology and hence with more emotions into the mix, the complications multiply.
The definition of Family has changed over the years due to continual exposure to this deadly mixture of complicated emotions called relations. This has led to concepts of moral liability or emotional ownership that in turn have made this cordial in-habitation a ghastly affair. 
The individualism has been lost in this congregation of egos and expectations. The identities have either been lost or are so blurred that 'identity-crisis' sounds like a primordial definition. These people with identities in 'no-man's-land' are highly susceptible to influence -good or bad. 
The solution to this is not breaking the shackles and walking away. Giving back the help you got when you were incapable is your moral responsibility and you can not shrink away from it. The catch here is having the choice to give it back in the way you prefer!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dribble Drabble Wibble Wobble....... Thud!

Shards of Flesh

The grass seemed greener, the sky blue felt richer, the moon glowed brighter. Everything fell into place. Nothing could go wrong. Being on cloud nine. the universe revolved around a single sun. The abundant mirth of tiny things, the sequence of mischievous winks, the shivers of those tender touches.

What an illusion!!!!

Happiness - FTW 

Happiness is that random fantasy in life created to make you want it, want it so bad that you end up being unhappy for the most part of your life.
What if we could just ignore the existence of happiness? Would that make our life easy?

What is happiness? Happiness for me is the emotion that arises when your expectations are matched by the event. It is that feeling when the people around you match your expected frequency. Happiness is achieving something further than your expectations.

Lord Krishna in his unfathomably deep philosophy ‘Bhagvad Geeta’ says ‘Do your deeds and don’t expect any results’ which kind of matches in here. What if you never expected anything out of anything you did? You could never be unhappy!

So, why should we not fuck this shit and not bother about anything, just do our stuff and leave it all to the so called Almighty to keep the balance skewed!

The Evil Within!

I am not the one you thank
I am not the one you want
I am not the one you think
I am not the one you wish
I am not the one you dream
I am not the one you feel
I am not the one you love
I am the one who killed your dove!!!